/>NeW World

الأربعاء، 21 يناير 2015

After a half-century of enmity, CIA assassination plots, and a Cuban missile crisis that pushed the world towards atomic Armageddon in 1962, a high-level American delegation arrives in Havana to work out normalized relations, but serious challenges to rapprochement remain.http://aje.io/4a2f

New York, United States - Of the 10,000 posters, paintings and other works in the Cuban Art Space in Manhattan, almost all were painstakingly brought to the US by hand on hundreds of plane rides over the years by the institute's director, Sandra Levinson.

Levinson blasts the "total nuttiness" of a decades-old US embargo and travel rules that have stopped her from inviting Cuban musicians and shipping sculptures to New York. She hopes this week's high-level talks on normalising US-Cuba relations will lead to major policy shifts.

"We started the centre in 1972 because of the absurdity of the embargo; we wanted to normalise relations between the people of Cuba and the people of the US," Levinson told Al Jazeera. "After decades of fighting for change, I'm excited. But we're still in the realm of playing politics."

Talks between Roberta Jacobson, the US assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, and the Cuban foreign ministry's US affairs director, Josefina Vidal, will be the highest-level meeting of the Cold War-era foes to be held in Havana in 38 years.

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